Friday, February 26, 2010


so...its been awhile since we've kicked it old school and wrote out a proper entry. With some Christmas money, we bought a video camera and have enjoyed taking video! However, our old school blog can't handle the video and they seem to not work more than they work-blah!!! Because of this, we are blog shopping. All of you bloggers out there we need your help. Is there a better blog site that can hold video? Any suggestions would be appreciated!!!

not too much to report on. March 1 marks the first day of autumn! time flies... so in honor of our last summer nights, after church tonight I'm taking Brian on a romantic walk on the beach. shhh...its a surprise! we'll definitely post pictures! and if we're lucky the video will work!

all our x's and our o's,

b & e

1 comment:

Digital Chowder Resources said...

Brian & Erika, I don't know what you have already tried in posting video on your blog, but have you tried uploading your video to YouTube and then embedding it in your blog? Since the blogspot and youtube are both Google sites I should think they would work together. Just a thought. Melanie does quite a lot of posting videos on her blogspot site, so she may also have a solution for you.