Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Important Announcement...

Yep, that's right, we're PREGNANT! We're both SOOOO excited. I'm 11 weeks, so our due date is Valentine's Day 2012! How appropriate. We've had a blast spilling the beans to family and friends. Its been such a blessing to be surrounded by so many that are absolutely elated for us! But my favorite moment, so far, was telling my precious hubby.

Here's the scoop...So let me back up about a week and a half prior to the glorious day. My monthly visitor was late and I'm NEVER late. I'm like clockwork. So I got a bit suspicious. And not gonna lie, giddy with the possibility we could be pregnant. Woke up the next morning, took the test, negative. I was crushed. And a lot more upset than I thought I'd be. Fast forward a week and a half. Saturday night. Still no monthly visitor. Along with some other 1st trimester symptoms, but I'll spare you the icky details. But I pushed the fleeting pregancy thought out of my head. I didn't want the disappointment, yet again. However, I woke up EARLY, EARLY Sunday morning with unexplainable joy and peace. I can't put into words what I was feeling. I went straight for the bathroom and took a pregnancy test. My hubby was still snoozing in bed. Sure enough I was pregnant. However, due to my negative test just a little over a week ago, I took about 5 others...OCD, much?! And they all came to the same conclusion: I was carrying a precious bubs. As much as I wanted to wake Bri up, I wanted to tell him in a creative way. So I contained my excitement, which if you know me, you know how difficult this was.

I knew Bri was due to be up in just a few short minutes, so I got back in bed, to not seem suspicious. However, I think the smile from ear to ear at 5:30am, might have been a bit of a giveaway. But Bri didn't let on that he knew. He did keep commenting what a great mood I was in so early! I sucessfully kept my mouth shut as Bri headed to prayer meeting before morning service. I made it all the way through student small groups and service. Since it takes Bri awhile to leave on Sundays, I left church a tad early and picked up a picnic lunch, a card, and 2 onesies. I picked him up from church and told him I had a surprise since he's been so busy with work (true, story).

I took him to our 1st date location: Lake Jacomo. We had a picnic lunch. Before we ate, I gave Brian the card and told him to open his present. As soon as he opened that onesie, his eyes welled up with tears and exclaimed, "Are you serious?!" We celebrated over our picnic lunch with many, many tears and laughter of thanksgiving. My hubby's tender spirit never ceases to touch my heart. I can't wait to see him as a "daddy."

Our concieving is so special. We were told getting pregnant would be extremely difficult, and possibly a hard road for us. But our God is ABLE! And we're spending this precious days so thankful for our bubs. Its inconceivable how much I love this baby that I've never met. So thankful. I will leave you with a couple more pics of our special day...


Sarah Hernandez said...

While I read each one of your words I could actually hear you saying them :) I am extremely happy for both of you and can't wait to meet this little and amazing miracle! I love you all :)

Anonymous said...

Aww yay! I am SO happy for you, Erika. I'm happy for both of you, even though I haven't met your lucky guy. :)

I will pray that your pregnancy is a healthy one and that you enjoy the whole bit!

SO SO SO happy for you! Love you and miss you!

Unknown said...

Eek! We are so excited for you both!!! God is ABLE!!! We had been told the same thing from so many doctors due to my endometriosis. But God has a plan that NO doctor can interfere with nor predict!!! Can't wait to share stories about what we each are going thru!
ps: we found out our due date is March 9, so we are a little behind you :)

tiffany sauser said...

I am so excited for you!!! Praise God!!!! You two are going to be awesome parents. Also i'm pretty sure this is going to come up as jay saying this but it's Tiffany.

tiffany sauser said...

turns out it came up as me. awesome.

Stephanie Bandy said...

I love reading this and rereading this!!! :) Such a special time and fabulous journey that the Lord has for you! Enjoy every minute, as time truly does go by quickly. It seems like yesterday that I was pregnant with! I'm so happy for you both. You and Brian will be an amazing mommy and daddy!
