Friday, October 7, 2011

What's in a Name?

Being my organized type A-self, I wanted a girl and boy name picked out and ready for our sonogram at 18 weeks. As the day approached we had both carefully selected. At the last minute I realized we did NOT check the meaning of the boy name we chose. And it wasn't a family name and it didn't have any significant personal meaning to us. We just liked it. So I checked. And it was awful. The meaning was terrible. And then my artsy self came out. And I remembered how significant the meaning of names were in the Bible. And I was convinced. We couldn't do that to our boy...IF we had a boy. So the BIG day came. And we did NOT have a boys' name selected. And sure enough...

Our little man at 18 weeks!

Our little man getting ready to suck his thumb...he's grown so much since his 12 week pics!

We are having a little man the 21st of February. I couldn't be more thrilled. I had a feeling. I like to say its my motherly instincts already;) Needless to say, we left the office ELATED that we had a growing healthy baby boy, but he was NAMELESS.

And then one day, I remembered a boy's name we heard in Sydney that I LOVED, and I was pretty sure B loved it too. So I rushed to the computer and checked the meaning. And it had a Hebrew meaning...and it was PERFECT. I presented all of this to B and we both KNEW it was perfect for our little man. Between the sentimenal value of Sydney and the Hebrew was a NO brainer... we had a name!

He will be called...


Axel {"divine reward"}
James {his daddy's middle name & a family name on both sides}

We are so thrilled that we found a name so fitting & perfect for him. He's already lived up to his name. He is such a blessing to us, and truly, our divine reward.

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